
Applications for BCZF 2016 will be opening soon!

We try and make decisions as soon as possible after the applications close, so if you are successful you have time to book transport, accommodation and pay for the table. This year we hope to let everyone know by Tuesday 30th June.

Bristol Comic and Zine Fair is a curated show, which means that there’s an application process involved to exhibiting at the fair.

The way we do this is to ask for you to provide a bit of info about you and the kind of work you might like to sell before we can offer you a table.

A half-table (approx 3′ x 2′) costs £18

Why do you curate?

We curate the fair primarily because demand is so high for the 60 or so half tables we have on offer. It lets us make sure we get a variety of different kinds of work and voices at the fair, and to make sure we offer the right audience for you, too. Unfortunately, we can’t offer all applicants space.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for applications from cartoonists, illustrators, writers and artists who primarily self-publish, and small press or independent publishers. We can’t offer space to retailers.

What can I sell?

Our exhibitors sell lots of things, from zines, comics and books, to illustrations, prints and handmade items. We do ask that the majority of what you are selling is comics, zines, books or similar printed material.

How much stuff do I need to have to sell?

Ideally we are looking for exhibitors who have a good range of zines and comics to sell. If you only have one or two different zines, you could consider one of the following options.

Joint applications

We encourage joint applications for table space from people who only have a few zines to sell. Only one of you needs to apply, so if you have a friend who also wants to share your table space, simply include their details in your application when prompted.


If you are applying as a collective, please make one application on behalf of all collective members.  You can provide each member’s information in the ‘About Your Work’ section.

Communal table

We have a communal table where we can sell zines on your behalf. You can simply drop off the zines you’d like to sell in the morning, and collect what’s left over at the end of the fair. The table will be staffed by BCZF volunteers, who will look after sales and take payments. We take no commission, so you’ll get 100% of any sales. Please note, you don’t need to apply to have work on the communal table, but do drop us an email to let us know you’re interested.

Please contact us if you have any questions.